Top: Rish threading Waan's eyebrows. Bottom: Left = before, Right = after
A funny conversation about facial hair removal on Friday night turned into a prospective business opportunity for Rish in all of an hour.

Here's the story!
Rish was sitting on the couch at Sophia's house when she randomly asked the girl next to her if she had thread.  When the girl responded that she did, Rish offered to remove the facial hair above her lip for her! Haha.

This unexpected offer lead a group of us girls going into an upstairs bedroom to watch Rish "thread" the hair off of this girl's face, leaving it smoother than a baby's bottom.  As it turns out, Rish was a beautician back in Pakistan!  While more girls quickly lined up to be "threaded," Waan realized that this had the potential to be a great opportunity for Rish.  She could set up a small business out of Your Place Cafe above Newsong starting by word-of-mouth in our little community and hopefully expanding with some advertisements in the future.  Eventually as she is able to get supplies, she can move into hair cutting/styling, facials, mani's, and pedi's in addition to eyebrows and upper lips as she is doing now, which could greatly increase business.

Tonight was officially her first day of work and she had 1 customer.  It is our hope and prayer that this business will take off for her not only so that she can support her family, but also so that she can build relationships within the community, continue to gain work experience for the future, and hold onto that sense of accomplishment that we often take for granted when we are able to work hard to earn our money.

* Refugees and asylum-seekers in Thailand are prohibited from working which forces them against their will into the position of receiving handouts wherever they are available.  This is extremely difficult for them.  This informal job can help Rish to hold onto her dignity and sense of pride in her work.

Rish is extremely excited to begin, and we are excited for her too.  This is such a great opportunity for her to make money doing what she loves and bless others in the process.

Pray that God's hand would be upon her new business, for a strong customer base, and provision for her and her family.

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    Jade aka แอม

    I decided to start a journal to give you a better look at what daily life looks like here in Thailand.

    *Some names have been changed to protect the identity and ensure the safety of persons involved.

    To learn more about the problems faced by refugees and asylum seekers in Thailand and how you can make a difference, visit Life Raft International and In Search of Sanuk


    October 2012

