As the flower girl kept saying all morning, "Today's the big day!"  
After a year of engagement, a month of uncertainty, and 3 days of wedding planning, Moon and Rish finally got married!

I fell into the role of wedding coordinator quite unexpectedly and without a clue as to what to do or how to do it.  It felt like the blind leading the blind. Haha.
The wedding was quite simple, but as always there are a lot of decisions to be made and small details to attend to.  The donation from a supporter in America was a life saver, as were the people at Newsong Bangkok.  Rish looked beautiful in the wedding dress that she brought from Pakistan with her new shoes, tiara, faux red nails, elegant jewelry, and curled hair.

It was so great to see the community getting together to bring makeup, jewelry, cake, drinks, and decorate the church with fresh flowers.  One of our friends Megan walked upstairs to our room with her suitcase, fresh off the overnight bus from Laos and was like, "Hey can I use your shower.....OH MY GOSH it's your WEDDING DAY!" and ended up spending the next 3 hours decorating the church.  Hahahaha.  I love how people here jump right in.  I don't know what we would have done without them.

The bride and groom were both so nervous.  Rish was even scared to walk down the aisle by herself.  She tried to convince my roommate Evette to walk with her.  Haha.  We were Skyping in her parents, and it was a memorable moment to see the look on her father's face as he saw his little girl walking down the aisle all done-up in white.  How difficult it must be for a dad not to be able to give away his daughter on her wedding day, but how great it is that even in these tough situations he could watch the ceremony.  We got the whole thing on video too, so that's awesome.

And then a couple from Newsong covered their stay at a nice hotel for the night too.  Every couple should have some privacy on their wedding night.  Otherwise they would have gone back to sleep in the same room as his mom, dad, brother, and sister.  Not exactly romantic.  They called me later in the evening just to say how thankful they are to everyone that helped make this day possible.  After everything settled down and we got the apartment picked up a little bit, a few of us kicked back and watched a movie with Subway and a glass of wine.  Wow, what a day!

    Jade aka แอม

    I decided to start a journal to give you a better look at what daily life looks like here in Thailand.

    *Some names have been changed to protect the identity and ensure the safety of persons involved.

    To learn more about the problems faced by refugees and asylum seekers in Thailand and how you can make a difference, visit Life Raft International and In Search of Sanuk


    October 2012

